Parenting Products on Kickstarter? Here’s What to do instead.

Tips for Crowdfunding Parenting Products

Launching a parenting product on crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo can be uniquely challenging. Kaitlyn Witman, CEO of Rainfactory and a mother of three children, sheds light on the complexities and offers strategic advice for aspiring entrepreneurs in the parenting product space.

Understanding the Market Dynamics

Right off the bat, it’s important to understand that platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo might not always be the best avenue for parenting products. The nature of parenting products often demands a quick transition from desire to necessity. In other words, these products need to be delivered in less than a month from their launch date to meet immediate consumer needs. However, the typical Kickstarter or Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign timeline may not align with this urgency.

For example, a company could invent the world’s safest and most comfortable shoes for babies, but with a Kickstarter launch, parents wouldn’t receive the shoes until their baby’s feet have grown too big for them.

As a result, the subset of Kickstarter and Indiegogo users interested in parenting products is relatively small. With crowdfunding platforms taking a 5% platform fee and the majority of traffic needing to be driven by the campaign owners themselves, it’s crucial to consider whether this platform offers the best return on investment.

Leveraging Your Website for Initial Orders

Despite these challenges, you can still employ crowdfunding principles to kickstart your product journey. Start by transforming your website into a lead-generation machine:

Email Collection Strategy: Modify your homepage to focus on collecting visitor emails. Offer incentives such as discounts to encourage sign-ups, as these lists will become invaluable for direct marketing. Tools like Klaviyo are highly recommended for building effective email campaigns.

Driving Traffic: Increase your site’s visibility through both free and paid methods. Engage with potential customers via forums, professional networks, and organic social media posts on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. For paid traffic, consider Facebook ads, Google Ads, or collaborations with mom blogs. For paid advertising on TikTok, it’s advisable to create a dedicated strategy with the help of experienced professionals due to the unique nature of the algorithm. 

Optimizing Product Pre-Order Pages: Develop a detailed and engaging Product Detail Page  using e-commerce platforms like Shopify. This is where you can send your mailing list subscribers, encouraging them to place a pre-order by providing clear information about the product and its estimated shipping date.

Pre-Order Strategy: When ready, launch a pre-order campaign for your first batch of products. A 30-day sales window can create a sense of urgency, pushing customers to commit. It’s crucial to ensure that delivery starts within 30 days after the completion of these orders to maintain trust and satisfaction.

Final Thoughts

While crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo present certain challenges for parenting products, you can still have a successful campaign by employing the right strategies. Remember, success in crowdfunding not only relies on a great product but also on robust marketing and customer engagement strategies.

For more tips and personalized guidance on launching your parenting product, consider partnering with the crowdfunding experts at Rainfactory. Together, we can navigate the complexities of the market and pave the way for your product’s success.