Google Scheduled to Sunset Expanded Search Ads by Mid 2022

Google has announced that it will be sunsetting expanded text ads by mid 2022. This change is part of the company’s efforts to focus on responsive search ads – a type of ad that relies on machine learning to test multiple combinations of headlines and descriptions to show the right message with every impression. Existing expanded text ads will keep serving, but they can only be paused, enabled, or removed – they can’t be edited. This change is sure to have a big impact on advertisers, who will need to adapt their strategies in order to continue reaching their target audiences.

Expanded Text Ads

Expanded text ads are roughly twice as long as regular text ads on Google’s search results page. They have a bigger headline, and an extra-long description.  They were introduced in 2016 as a way to give advertisers more space to communicate their messages. Expanded text ads are set to retire on June 30, 2022 due to a continued trend toward browsing on mobile devices, as well as Google’s focus on machine learning and automation.

Responsive Search Ads

Responsive search ads are the next step in Google’s efforts to move towards automated advertising. They rely on machine learning to test multiple combinations of headlines and descriptions to show the right message with every impression. This means that advertisers don’t need to create multiple ads – Google will automatically test different combinations to find the best one for each individual user.

What Does This Mean for Advertisers?

Removing expanded text ads will be a huge change for advertisers, and many of them will need to adapt their strategies in order to continue reaching their target audiences. According to Google, advertisers see an average of 7% more conversions at the same cost using the same assets as with older ad formats. One drawback of responsive search ads in their current form is that Google only gives advertisers impression insights into different combinations. Hopefully, insights will expand as the product continues to develop.

Google’s Advice

Google has some advice for advertisers who are looking to make the switch to responsive search ads. First, they recommend creating a small number of responsive search ads and experimenting with them until you find what works best for your business. Second, make sure that you use negative keywords and target specific demographics to ensure that your ads are only being shown to the right people. Third, test more expanded search ads. It will be good to identify “champion” ads that you can leave running past the deadline. Finally, be sure to use conversion tracking to measure the results of your responsive search ads and optimize them accordingly.

By June 30, 2022, make sure all your search campaigns have at least one responsive search ad per ad group.

Tap into the Top 3% of Talent

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by this change, don’t worry – Rainfactory is here to help. As a Google Premier Partner, we have been utilizing responsive search ads since their inception, and we know what it takes to make them effective. We can help you smoothly transition away from expanded text ads and make your ads more effective than ever before! Contact us today for more information.