Celebrating a Decade of Success: Rainfactory Turns 10!

Rainfactory Turns 10!


Ten years ago, Rainfactory started with a simple yet powerful vision: to help entrepreneurs and innovators bring their ideas to life through effective marketing and strategic growth — ultimately, of course, making it rain! Today, as we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we look back on a decade filled with remarkable achievements and rich partnerships.

Rainfactory’s journey began with our very first client, Jibo, launching the world’s first family robot. Together, we raised $3,729,685 from more than 5,500 backers on Indiegogo. This initial success proved that with the right blend of creativity, strategy, and community support, even the most ambitious dreams could become a reality.

More than $500M+ of product sales within the first 3 months of working with us, and 300+ successful campaigns later, these past 10 years have been a testament to the power of perseverance, innovation, and most importantly, collaboration. We have brought success to numerous creators and entrepreneurs, including Phillips, OneWheel, Logitech, Hallmark, and many more.

Memorable Milestones

  • $500M+ of product sales within the first 3 months of working with Rainfactory
  • Over 300 successful campaigns launched.
  • 9+ awards and recognitions for marketing excellence.
  • Multiple years of Google Premier Partner
  • Successful product launches that have become household names.

These achievements highlight just a few of the many successes we’ve celebrated over the past decade. From crowdfunding campaigns on Kickstarter and Indiegogo to scaling eCommerce sales, Rainfactory has been at the forefront of helping innovative products reach their potential.

Thank You

A heartfelt thank you goes out to our diverse and talented clients – from tech startups and enterprises to health and wellness brands. Their trust in Rainfactory has allowed us to be a part of some of the most exciting and groundbreaking product launches to hit the market.

A huge thank you to our dedicated Rainmakers who bring their best every day, ensuring that we deliver outstanding results. Your passion, creativity, and hard work are the driving forces behind our success.

And a special thank you to our supporters and partners who have cheered us on and provided invaluable support throughout our journey.

Looking Ahead

As we celebrate this milestone, we are more committed than ever to helping creators and entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. We’re constantly innovating and evolving to meet the needs of our clients and the ever-changing market landscape.

Rainfactory is primed to take the next steps in our journey, bolstered by recent investments in our team, culture, and operational capabilities. In Q4 of 2023, Rainfactory began a leadership transition, and recently Kaitlyn Witman assumed the role as sole CEO. 

For now, here’s to an incredible 10 years of growth, innovation, and success.

Contact Rainfactory today to see how we can help you launch and grow your product from crowdfunding triumph to eCommerce legend. Let’s create the future together.