Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Indiegogo Campaign

Dodging Pitfalls: Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Indiegogo Campaign

The crowdfunding journey can be both exciting and challenging. As a prominent player in the crowdfunding space, Indiegogo has witnessed the birth of numerous innovative ideas, viral products, and creative projects. However, success in crowdfunding is not always guaranteed. In this article, we’re rounding up some common missteps that campaigners make, and providing valuable insights to increase your chances of reaching and exceeding your fundraising goals.

1. Insufficient research and planning

Many campaigners dive into crowdfunding without thorough research and planning. Understanding your target audience, studying the competition, and grasping the nuances of the crowdfunding landscape are essential. Take the time to analyze successful campaigns on Indiegogo, learning from both their achievements and shortcomings. A well-researched plan is fundamental for the success of your campaign.

2. Unrealistic funding goals

Setting overly ambitious funding goals can be a significant hindrance to your campaign. While aiming high is admirable, it is crucial to be realistic about the funds required to bring your project to fruition. Crowdfunding operates on an all-or-nothing model, emphasizing the importance of a carefully calculated funding goal. Transparency in budget breakdowns fosters trust among backers and elevates your credibility.

3. Mediocre campaign page and creative assets

Your Indiegogo campaign page is the face of your project. Invest some time and effort in creating an engaging campaign page, capturing high-quality images and videos that are professionally shot, and using clear copy for your project and product offerings. The language used should be concise and persuasive, effectively conveying the uniqueness of your campaign, and why backers should support it.

4. Inadequate marketing and promotion strategy

Overlooking a comprehensive marketing strategy is a common pitfall. Relying solely on Indiegogo’s platform for exposure may limit your campaign’s reach. Diversify your marketing channels, including social media, newsletters, and key partnerships, to maximize your campaign visibility. Regularly engage with your community, providing updates and building anticipation for your campaign. Building momentum is crucial throughout the crowdfunding process, and without a marketing plan, your campaign will get lost in the platform.

5. Neglecting backer communication

Communication is a cornerstone of every successful crowdfunding campaign. Failing to communicate with your backers can lead to dissatisfaction and create distrust. Keep your backers informed with regular updates on your project’s progress, and promptly address any concerns or questions. It helps to have a customer support specialist in your team who will be responsible for resolving any questions or issues that come up before, during, after your campaign. Transparent communication builds a strong rapport with backers, fostering a sense of community around your campaign. It is also an opportunity for your campaign to receive an official stamp of approval from Indiegogo’s Trust and Safety team, and be added to a verified list of Trust-vetted campaigns, which community members are more likely to back.

6. Ignoring fulfillment challenges

Campaigners often focus solely on fundraising without adequately addressing the challenges associated with product fulfillment. Realistic projections for production timelines, shipping costs, and potential delays are essential. Clearly outline your fulfillment plan on your campaign page, including estimated delivery dates and potential risks. Transparency in this area helps manage expectations and avoids post-campaign complications.

7. Underestimating the pre-launch phase and power of early backers

The pre-launch phase and first few days of your campaign are the most critical, and getting the support of early backers can set the tone for its success. Avoid the mistake of assuming momentum will build naturally, and launching your campaign without a robust email list. Start your campaign journey with a pre-launch page to capture emails from interested potential backers, and actively engage them with content and updates in the days leading up to your launch. Encourage your early backers to support and share your campaign within their network, and consider offering exclusive perks to incentivize early backing.

8. Post-campaign engagement oversight

Your relationship with backers should extend beyond the end of your campaign. Keep backers informed about ongoing developments, share behind-the-scenes insights, and involve them in decision-making processes. Building a lasting community can lead to continued support for future projects.

9. Neglecting legal and compliance requirements

Crowdfunding campaigns come with legal considerations that should not be overlooked. Understand your responsibilities regarding taxes, IP, and relevant regulations. Addressing these considerations proactively will prevent any legal complications that could arise after your campaign ends.

A successful crowdfunding campaign does not happen overnight without careful planning, realistic goal-setting, and effective communication with your backers. The crowdfunding journey is fueled with excitement, but it also requires a strategic approach and an adaptable mindset. For more information on best practices and more tips on launching your campaign, visit our Education Center on,