Ultimate Guide to

Organic Search

Lovable 🥰
Linkable 🔗

Shareable 💌


Boom! 🤯 You have found it.

You just found exactly what you were looking for. In fact, it’s even better than what you wanted. It’s more than you hoped for. You are so lucky! ☘️ (or maybe I’m just that damn good. 🦸‍♂)

This is Corley’s Ultimate Guide to Organic Search: A How-to Manual on 🧲 Magnetic Writing, Audience Arousal, and Seducing Google.😍

The secret ingredients to organic search? Be Lovable, Linkable, & Sharable. Want to know how? You’re about to find out!

And you are absolutely going to 💘love it. You are going to love reading this so much that you will send this to your friends. And after you send it, your friends will thank you.

[Here we will break the 4th wall to explain what just happened.

What is this?

Corley’s Ultimate Guide to Organic Search is recursive and self-referential. We will show you what to do by doing it and then explain how we did it.

Let’s look back at our introduction. So far, we’ve introduced excitement (Boom!), relief, luck, and repeated “you are going to love it”. Telling readers how they will feel hypnotically primes them to feel that way.

We used emojis associated with luck ☘️, love💘 😍 , and a superhero🦸‍♂. Emojis, Bold, highlights and Header Tags all help readers focus. Then we narrate a better future:

  • A future where you read the article and loved it
  • A future where you sent it to friends
  • A future where your friends thanked your for sharing

The readers get to imagine feeling gratitude, and then feel appreciated.

When we imagine a feeling, we actually feel that feeling! For a moment, close your eyes for 7 seconds and imagine feeling gratitude. When you do, you can actually feel your heart swell 🥰 a little bit. Amazing – isn’t it?  More on that later in the Guide. First, a word about intrigue and suspense.]

Intrigue Grabs Attention 

How do you create intrigue and suspense? I’m about to show you. I promise. Intrigue is when you arouse curiosity. Intrigue is how you captivate. Intrigue grabs your attention like a [visual image or joke about grabbing and holding something].  

If you read every word of Corley’s Ultimate Guide to Organic Search, you will have a new super power when you finish. And not some useless superpower like telepathy with fruit or the ability to freeze thyme.

“Which” superpower you ask?


Just kidding!

But you do need the promise of something interesting or fun in your introduction! That builds suspense. Then you must deliver on the promises in the body of your work. That establishes trust and makes readers want to share and return.


Corley’s Ultimate Guide to Organic Search is Long, Thick, and Meaty.  

It can be a lot to take in all at once.

That’s why you want to bookmark this page right now.

So you can keep coming back, over and over and over, to enjoy it again. 

Get it from Gurus

Be the Expert

When Google-searcher fall in love with what they find on your site, Google will want to send you more traffic.

“Create what Googlers Love to Find! 😍 -corley

Search Chief @ rainfactory.com

How do I know?

Because people everywhere are saying that I am THE authority on these things. In this next sentence, you want to give a one liner describing your greatness or why they should listen to you.

Me? I do this so well that you

1) found this article 
2) are already hanging on every word
3) want to have my baby


Find Even More Experts

Not only that, but we’ve interviewed outside experts on this very topic, got them their most effective strategies, and included them here.


Get Quotes from Gurus

Reach out with questions that subject matter experts may want to answer to showcase their big brains.

Cite Them

Link back to those experts. Spread the fame.

Writing Style

This is where we talk about white space.  We talk about short sentences.  We talk about repetition in 3s.

This is the section where we tell you that huge walls of texts are ignored by readers.  You need to be conversational.

Anecdotes.  Heroes who overcame this very challenge.  Personalize.

Inciting incident

Encounters Road blocks

Emerge transformed

Write Intriguing Headlines

All about how to write clickable headlines

Collecting Leads

If you can make it fit, your linkable assets can work to close business for you. Sometimes it’s not a smooth transition. In our case, the transition is obvious.

This entire guide is about building linkable assets as the cornerstone of an SEO strategy. This guide also demonstrates just how much is involved in top 1% content.

You could try to follow this guide. If you don’t have capital, you may have to! But if you are funded, why not leave the marketing to the experts?

Contact Forms

We use fluent forms. (features and benefits) – fast – hooks only on pages where it’s used. Doesn’t slow down site.

Writing Style

This is where we talk about white space.  We talk about short sentences.  We talk about repetition in 3s.

Custom Illustrations

This is where we talk about white space.  We talk about short sentences.  We talk about repetition in 3s.

Fulfill The Promises

“You are going to absolutely 💘love this reading experience. You are going to love it so much that you will send it to your friends.“

[Copy link code]

And your friends will THANK YOU for sending it to them.

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

If someone sent you this link, they thought of you when they read the words “love” or “friends” – that should make you feel pretty good.

Thumbnail OG Images

Thumbnail OG Images

It matters for social media shares and it is starting to matter in regular google searches as 

google uses the OG image in search results: (show example if you can or create a mockup)


OG Image – now supported WebP.  The correct thumbnail size is 1200px x 627px. For youtube it’s 1280×720.

These thumbnail images should be designed how Youtube Thumbnails are designed. Meaning: people making stupid faces, text, and graphics.   Design them for CRT! Youtube thumbnail size is 1280×720.

Thumbnails featuring negative emotions such as anger, contempt, disgust, fear or sadness have higher click through rates.  Also good is surprise.  Mouth open.

Writing Style

Why Choose Us


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Massa curae fringilla porttitor quam sollicitudin iaculis aptent leo ligula euismod dictumst orci penatibus mauris eros etiam.


Massa curae fringilla porttitor quam sollicitudin iaculis aptent leo ligula euismod dictumst orci penatibus mauris eros etiam.